Thursday, November 28, 2019

To Build A Fire By Jack London Essay Example For Students

To Build A Fire By Jack London Essay In To Build a Fire, Jack London uses many details of setting to illustrate the gravity of the protagonists situation. The story is a detailed description of the dangers of intense cold and the stages involved in the process of freezing to death. The man in to build a fire is a very dogmatic and arrogant person who believed in his own abilities and took everything at face value. He didnt analyze and scrutinize over every detail. He definitely wasnt one to philosophize and his conceptions were rooted in the tangible not the surreal. At the end, though, he realizes his own deficiencies and finally dies. The magnitude of the mans situation is fully illustrated and established through Londons descriptions of the landscape, snow, ice, and intense cold. The height of Londons graphic portrayal is the storys explicit description of the intense cold of the arctic winter that the man is travelling through. The sharp, explosive crackle(pg. 119 para. 2) that occurred in the air before the mans spit could even hit the snow is just an example of the vicious cold that the man was travelling through. We will write a custom essay on To Build A Fire By Jack London specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The frozen moisture of the mans breathing that forms ice on his beard and mustache. The crystal beard of the color and solidity of amber(pg. 120 para. 1) that transpires when the man chews tobacco and the speed in which the mans appendages become numb and unusable are further examples of Londons account of the cold. The journey through the unbroken white north and south, as far as the eye could see (paragraph 2) was another striking account of the wonderful use of setting in this story. Without a doubt, the concept of a world of ice is a major factor in the greatness of this story undermined only by Londons graphic depiction of the mans death. This is depicted in great detail throughout the latter part of the story. The terrain of the Yukon, to the man, is just an obstacle that could easily be overcome with knowledge of your surroundings and a pragmatic attitude, but in truth it is the executioner of the man. The anxiety of falling in the water, the relief when the fire is built, and the shock when it is put out are all situations that build to the tension of the story. The panic when he is unable to build a second fire and the conclusion that is bound to happen are more thoroughly realized when the man is unable to even light a match. The wild rush through the snow and the idea to kill his dog to use its body as warmth are further graphic details of the break down of the man. The innovation of meeting death with dignity(pg. 128 para. 3) is the final stage to the mans realization that he was to die. The idea to sleep off to death(pg.128 para. 3) and the statement, Freezing was not so bad as people thought. There were lots worse ways to die. is an additional step towards the conclusion we had all suspected when the fire was put out. The setting is further developed by these accounts and the harshness of the Arctic winters are even more realized. Thus, Londons setting within the unfeeling Yukon is both descriptive and arousing. The major action takes place after the fire is put out, leading to the climax of the story when the man begins his realization that death had found him. In this way, London uses setting to show the extent of the mans situation and the death that will surely follow if you underestimate it. The events of the story, the unrelenting cold, and the mans final death are all tied together by Londons expert control of setting. .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .postImageUrl , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:hover , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:visited , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:active { border:0!important; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:active , .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06 .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u81b07847a9d6d037d834c17c4be7ea06:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Quest For Personal Identity In Toni Morrisons The EssayEnglish Essays .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Children in Need of Loving Hands Professor Ramos Blog

Children in Need of Loving Hands Gwenyth Witkowski Engl-101-04 Children in Need of Loving Hands  Ã‚   When I was about four, my brothers and I were removed from our parents care because they were incapable of taking care of us due to drug and alcohol abuse. In the time that we were in their care, we experienced trauma that we may learn to accept and learn to live with but will never fully heal from. My paternal grandmother and her partner decided to file for guardianship, and we’ve been with them ever since. We were lucky. The majority of the children removed from their homes are placed in group homes, and the results are saddening. To combat the difficulties that come with trauma, children in the foster care system require the assistance of individuals trained to help them readjust to a healthy way of living. It is very common for youth within the system to be traumatized in their current placement, only to be removed and placed in another harmful environment, with very little chance of receiving the help they require to heal and grow as individuals. It is unfair and extremel y unjust to overlook how desperate these children are for help. Many of the children within the foster care system aren’t even aware that it’s possible to live healthier, happier lives, because all they’ve known is abuse and isolation. One of the most promising methods of treatment is called Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC). I will be going over some of the ways in which TFC is beneficial for the youth within the foster care system who have been traumatized, and why it should be used over other methods of treatment.   Now that a possible solution to this ever-growing problem has been addressed, what is Therapeutic Foster Care? Therapeutic Foster Care is a form of foster care that caters to the physical, emotional and social needs of traumatized youth in the foster care system. While TFC is reserved for children with severe emotional disturbances, it is not limited to just traumatized individuals in foster care. Children with any kind of special needs who require out-of-home placements can take advantage of the resources that TFC has to offer.   TFC offers a multitude of services for the children in need of a nurturing environment. Among those services are additional intensive therapy, tutoring and other educational aids, as well as a more unique kind of therapy for children called Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT).   Animal Assisted Therapy is an excellent way for children who have a harder time forming trusting relationships with others to bond with an animal, eventually building on their social skills, as well as their empathy, self-esteem, and attachment building skills (Kesner, A., Steven R. Pritzker, 77). In â€Å"Therapeutic Horseback Riding With Children Placed In The Foster Care System† by Amy Kesner and Steven R. Pritzker, the mental health benefits that come with regularly engaging with animals is explored. It’s stated that â€Å"mental health professionals realize that animals can be very powerful in helping children at risk because they can encourage learning, cooperation, and expression† (Kesner, et al. 79). In other words, children are more likely to improve socially and otherwise upon bonding with these animals. While not every TFC program will offer horseback riding lessons, the benefits that come with AAT cannot be overlooked. Yet as good as it is for tra umatized children to bond with animals and build trusting relationships with them, it’s even more important that the children in TFC build trusting relationships with their caregivers.   How comfortable and trusting the youth are with their caregivers can make all the difference when it comes down to their healing. If the caregivers are not properly trained, or they don’t bond with the children, very little progress will be made. Southerland says, â€Å"our findings suggest that the relationship between the treatment parent and youth in a TFC setting is significantly associated with better emotional and behavioral functioning for the youth† (D. G. Southerland, et al., 59). In other words, a strong, high-quality relationship is more likely to result in the troubled youth making progress towards a healthy lifestyle. A child being placed in a new location would no doubt feel happier and safer if they felt close to those tasked to take care of them.   Therapeutic Foster Care seems like a sure solution to help traumatized youth in the foster care system, but others may beg to differ, saying that Residential Group Care (RGC) is just as effective when it comes to rehabilitating these children. A study in the Midwest was done on 200 children in a group home placement. The study revealed that around 70% of the children involved in the study, as adults had graduated from high-school, and around 27% had gone on to continue their education. While this is encouraging, Curtis says, â€Å"42% had been arrested since discharge from the resident facility† (Curtis, Patrick, et al., 386). Another study was done comparing youth from specialized foster care and group care. After being discharged, only about half of the youth in specialized foster care were reincarcerated, versus 15 out of 16 youths in group care (Curtis, Patrick, et al., 386). Both RGC and TFC have the potential to be very effective in providing this troubled youth with the help and guidance they need, but you cannot expect a child to build healthy, trusting relationships with the people who have the power to help them if they feel like they’re only important until another child with more needs arrives to their group home. Therapeutic Foster Care can focus more on individual children and their needs because of the small size and large number of caregivers on site. RGC can only do so much for these children when the number of children outnumbers the amount of caregivers’ present. In my brothers and I experiencing the trauma we did as small children, living with my grandmothers after they adopted us was significantly better than being put into a home that wouldn’t be capable of providing us with the amount of care that we needed. We had the luxury of not only being placed with people we already knew, but people who genuinely loved us and were willing to do whatever it took to help us heal. While it wasn’t an official TFC center, the results of us being brought up by my grandmothers were phenomenal as compared to children placed in any kind of group home. Even thinking about where we would be today without the love and patience they showed us is upsetting.   All these facts help to illustrate the point it is that I am trying to make but let us not forget that these children are not numbers, and they absolutely cannot be treated as such. Both RGC and TFC aim to nurture these children, but RGC is simply not capable of offering around the clock care in the way that TFC is. I am also a firm believer that a gentle touch is more effective on children who have been traumatized than the intense discipline and inattention often seen in group homes. This is so important because we cannot hope to have a brighter future if our younger generations don’t even believe a bright future to be possible. We owe it to our youth to offer them the best lives that they can have.    Breland-Noble, Alfiee M., et al. Mental Health and Other Service Use by Youth in Therapeutic Foster Care and Group Homes. Journal of Child Family Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, June 2005, pp. 167-180. EBSCOhost, This article studies children with psychiatric disorders and aggressive behavior who have been placed in TFC and group homes. It studies the differences in service types, as well as service patterns and how much attention were provided to either group. This will help in my essay to shine a light on the assistance needed by troubled youth in the Foster Care System, and how much attention is required for their needs to be met. This source is reliable because it was published by the Journal of Child Family Studies.    Curtis, Patrick A., et al. A Literature Review Comparing the Outcomes of Residential Group Care and Therapeutic Foster Care. Child Adolescent Social Work Journal, vol. 18, no. 5, Oct. 2001, pp. 377-392. EBSCOhost, This article explores the effectiveness of both TFC (Therapeutic Foster Care) and Residential Group Care, and which is more effective. While many people are strong advocates for both, this article goes to settle the matter, presenting their findings in the article. This article will be used to acknowledge and explore the importance of programs that focus on the emotional well being of troubled youth within the system.    Frederico, Margarita, et al. Improving Outcomes for Children in Out-Of-Home Care: The Role of Therapeutic Foster Care. Child Family Social Work, vol. 22, no. 2, May 2017, pp. 1064-1074. EBSCOhost, The article interviews multiple caregivers who are apart of TFC (Therapeutic Foster Care). The Circle Program, which is what the caregivers are a part of, lessened the number of sudden or unplanned exits from the foster care system. This will be used in my report to acknowledge the importance of the caregivers themselves being properly trained and capable of meeting the needs of the children. This source is reliable because of all of the extensive research done on the subject, as well as the results/findings being backed up by research.    Kesner, Amy and Steven R. Pritzker. Therapeutic Horseback Riding with Children Placed in the Foster Care System. Revision, vol. 30, no. 1/2, Summer/Fall2008, p. 77. EBSCOhost, This article focuses on the importance of making animals apart of the healing process for traumatized individuals in foster care. It points out the effectivity of animal assisted therapy (AAT). In this case the focus is on horses, but it’s important all the same, because of the positive effects that it has on the children. I will use this to further address the importance of nurturing traumatized children emotionally. This source is reliable because I’m presented with facts and lots of information from the study that was done to answer whether or not AAT is beneficial to children.       Southerland, Dannia, et al. What’s the Relationship Got to Do with It? Understanding the Therapeutic Relationship in Therapeutic Foster Care. Child Adolescent Social Work Journal, vol. 26, no. 1, Feb. 2009, pp. 49-63. EBSCOhost, This article explores the importance of the relationships between the traumatized youth in foster care and their providers. It also shows that the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and the troubled youth greatly affects the rate at which children heal. I’m going to use this in my report to highlight how important it is for troubled youth to receive the help that they need in order to heal. Its credible in the way that it was made into a scholarly article, along with affiliations to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. All images received from

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the theme of appearance and reality in Macbeth Essay

Discuss the theme of appearance and reality in Macbeth - Essay Example He is one who King Duncan trusts, and he has the favor of all his countrymen, but he betrays this trust and, for a while, everyone is deceived into believing that he mourns the death of Duncan as he seems to, that he killed the two guards out of his love for Duncan, and that will be a good ruler because he will think of the interests of the people, and not himself. The Thane of Cawdor was also a man who Duncan trusted, as he says in Act 1, Scene 4, â€Å"He was a gentleman on whom I built/An absolute trust†, but he, too, betrays that trust. Lady Macbeth is not suspected for her part in Duncan’s death, till she starts walking and talking in her sleeps, and ironically, Macduff wants to save her from hearing about it (2.3.85-88). Macduff himself is not trusted by his wife and Malcolm, because both believe him to be a traitor to the country, whereas, he is one who is willing to sacrifice all for his country, and it is he who later kills Macbeth. The sons who are suspected o f killing their fathers (Malcolm and Donalbain, and Fleance) also show how seeming truths are not always true. Images presented through language also play an important role in presenting the theme of appearances and reality. Numerous images conveying the idea of concealment occur in the speech of almost all the characters. Sometimes the concealment is in the form of clothes, where clothes supposedly hide what a person truly is. Thus Macbeth chides Ross for â€Å"dress[ing]† him â€Å"[i]n borrowed robes† (1.3.108-109) when Ross calls him the Thane of Cawdor. This is because he does not know that the Thane of Cawdor that was, no longer owns the title. Similarly, Macbeth talks of â€Å"put[ting] on manly readiness† (2.3.135), when the people are not really ready at all. Other forms of disguise also occur, such as masks: Macbeth tells the murderers he has hired, that he is â€Å"Masking the business from the common eye/For sundry weighty reasons† (3.1.125-126). Later, he