Saturday, May 30, 2020
Collection Of 24 Stories - Free Essay Example
Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales is a collection of 24 stories written between the years of 1387 and 1400 in Mid-Century England and runs over 17,000 lines. The question is How is Chaucers Canterbury Tales an accurate representation of the middle class in the middle ages? Canterbury Tales is much more than an interesting collection of character and their tales, but a representation of the middle class during the time in which the stories were written. As the church was losing its leading role in the latter half of the 14th century, people started to realize the importance of being in the forthcoming middle class. Chaucers Canterbury Tales is a microcosm of this general public since it exhibits the social divisions known as the Estates, it outlines the development of the white collar class and the decrease of the medieval framework, and it demonstrates the debasement and intensity of the Church, and it epitomizes most parts of the Middle Age. Primitive society was generally isolated into three estates, which were generally equal to social classes. The first estate which was the Church, which was composed of the pope, the second estate which was the noble, the king/queen and prince/princess, and the third estate which was the lower class. The harsh division of society into the three estates was starting to separate in late 14th century England, and when the time of Chaucer, there was an increase of the middle class. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer is exceedingly aware of the social divisions known as the Estates While the class of The Canterbury Tales all in all is a casing account, the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales is a case of Bequests Satire, a type which censures the maltreatment that happens inside the three conventional Estates. Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales encapsulates most parts of the Middle Ages, regardless of whether it is an indecent religious minister, poor, idealistic agriculturists, or the good knight. Every one of these characters gives great precedents of the numerous ubiquitous subjects of the Middle Ages. The predominant qualities and topics of the Middle Ages included brutality and vengeance, religion and debasement, and societal position and chain of command. The occasions in which Chaucers The Canterbury Tales is set are wild and are loaded up with anguish, struggle, and general ill will; all things considered, the thoughts of reprisal and hence viciousness are genuinely common. In a considerable number of Chaucers stories, this topic is framed flawlessly. An example towards the end of the Reeves story after the miller finds the researchers injustice. He grabbed Allan by the adams apple, and he, in return, roughly grabbed the miller and hit him on the nose with his fist (Chaucer). On this occasion, not only a simple reflex to fall back on violence is shown, yet brutality is utilized as retribution as the miller assaults Allan after understanding that he has had an affair with his wife. Confirmed by this, violent behaviors were regularly the most widely recognized, and the most suitable reaction. In all of England, violence was seen as something of a way of life Curtis Gruenler, in a literary analysis, states, In England, Curtis Gruenlers life was viewed as a violent way of life, from a literary standpoint, [V]iolence on a large scale held English attention as spectacular victories against the French early in the Hundred Years War were followed by a series of costly, disastrous campaigns (Gruenler). War was a calling of numerous individuals in England including a character of Chaucers, the Knight had battled in no less than 15 fights and had basically worked out his whole job dependent on the fights he was called upon by his ruler to partake in. Generally, viciousness was an all around perceived type of equity and requital something that was unequivocally called attention to in Chaucers accounts. One more subject is the nearness of religion, or all the more particularly, the nearness of defilement inside religion. Numerous individuals from the journey have connections to a religious office, and everything except the Parson has here and there damaged their promises or generally acted to some degree out of their limits as a high positioning individual from the Church. Chaucer shows this carefully as the Pardoners introduction where he states make an offering to my relics in this church [] make an offering in the name of God, I shall absolve them by the authority of which was granted to me by papal bull (Chaucer). Subsequent to telling the pioneers of this trap unmistakably went for taking a decent arrangement of cash, he clarifies, By this trick I have gained a hundred marks year after year since I became a pardoner (Chaucer). The Pardoner isnt, nonetheless, the main improper religious character engaged with the journey. The Friar, for instance, has broken his pledges as an administrative individual from the Church, most unmistakably his promise of virtuousness. The Friar has occupied with connections that have disregarded this promise, and when a youngster comes because of this cooperation, he has ventured to such an extreme as to wed the lady to her darling in order to cover his very own tracks. These parts of chapel defilement in The Canterbury Tales inevitably come down to a craving for joy and cash, something that tormented the authenticity of the Catholic Church and in the long run prompted the religious transformation. Among the characters, a kind of social chain of command turned out to be rapidly obvious amidst these numerous voyagers. A general character developed that isolated the pioneers dependent on their monetary and social standings. There was a fairly expansive differentiation between the most extravagant of the voyagers and the poorest. For instance, the Franklin was a proprietor of a vast home and sumptuous individual products. Despite the fact that he is profoundly in the red, his societal position is still far higher than that of say, the Plowman. The Plowman is one of the poorer individuals from the journey, yet in spite of this, he is one of the sprightlier and beneficent individuals from the journey. This can be viewed as Chaucers methods for communicating his sentiments toward the social chain of the importance of the occasions. Chaucer likewise says something regarding feudalism, the financial arrangement of the time. [Chaucer represents the] feudal arrangement of society [] around the figure of the knight as a conception of nobility, and around the laborer a conception of commonality (Morgan). Chaucer appears to consider feudalism to be a framework that partitions individuals into the well-off nobles and the poor workers. Chaucer likewise appears to perceive the nearness of a white collar class that appears to ascend out of feudalism. For instance, the figure of a vendor who picks up his riches by his own agreement, particularly cash exchanging, and is on the whole free of the primitive framework. The Merchant is portrayed in the general preface as [a] responsible man [who] kept his wits about him [] Nevertheless he was really a worthy man (Chaucer). So, Chaucer saw the social structure of his time and saw certain things he had dissatisfaction with, yet without a doubt, he saw some different parts of it as valuable to the advancement of society. To close, Chaucers showstopper The Canterbury Tales displays numerous common topics and in such a way illustrates the occasions. He does this by discussing viciousness, religious debasement, and social organizing, which were all extremely appropriate bits of society in the time as they all shaped a framework that is thought back on and translated through works of reality and fiction, for example, The Canterbury Tales.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Military Service Should Be Mandatory Essay - 904 Words
Most people have, at one point or another, considered what they were going to do with their lives. Whether a person would like to become an activist, an artisan or a business professional, the military has something for everyone. Finding a path in life is often filled with uncertainty and procrastination. The United States military is a path in itself, should one wish to retire from it; however, should a person wish to make their own path, there are benefits for that as well that can remove all doubt and curb procrastination. Due to these many benefits, I believe that it should be mandatory for all adults to enlist for a minimum of twenty-four months. In the first twelve months, a person can expect to receive, after possibly paying aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This training will also prepare the adult for employment in the civilian world. It can also place them well on their way to a college degree in a field related to what their job in the military is/was. If the individual desires to make a career change, one can also use many of those credits as elective credits. No matter what the situation, the military training and college credits will not go to waste! In the military, a person will also be able to learn valuable leadership skills. Coupled with training, an individual can take those leadership skills and become significantly more marketable to civilian employers. In fact, there are places that will hire people just by virtue of them being a veteran, in general, as long as they are discharged and/or retired, honorably! As a veteran, the veteran will receive an automatic five to ten point increase, also known as ââ¬Å"Preference Points,â⬠for many of the tests or exams that are required for federal government jobs that they may consider for employment (USA Jobs). Left to their own devices, many people slack off by procrastinating and taking employment with jobs that have no advancement opportunities. This could be due to their having a lack of skill, not enough education or, simply, no desire for financial or career success. The military nips such notions in the bud by providing career and educational counseling. By gaining and using newfound skills, many are encouraged to succeed and gain determination,Show MoreRelatedShould Military Service Be Mandatory?1426 Words à |à 6 PagesShould Military Service be Mandatory in the United States? In the world today, there is approximately fifty percent of countries that mandate their citizens to serve in their military for an extended period of time. Those countries that do require their citizens to serve base it on the simple fact that they need to be ready for war at a moments notice and if all their citizens know how to fight they will succeed in any battle in which they are placed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Application Of Therapy Models Essay - 2078 Words
The Application of Therapy Models to the Treatment of College Sexual Assault Survivors When people think about college and the college experience they oftentimes think about studying, the terrible food, and living in residence halls, something that is not often thought about is sexual assault within the college population. Sexual Assault is prevalent on college campuses around the country, and because this experience is prevalent in this population, there is a great need for counseling techniques that help these individuals process this experience. There are quite a few studies that have considered the reasons behind the high rate of sexual assault on college campuses and the factors of the situations in which sexual assault occurs, but very few focus on this population. The experience of sexual assault has a profound impact on the physical, emotional, and mental health of the individuals, many survivors of sexual assault deal with the effects of that experience for many years and even a lifetime after the experience occurred and many never seek professional help to h elp them cope with the event. Incidences of sexual assault on college campuses are vastly underreported and accurate estimates are not well known based on data collected from college campuses around the U.S. and the well-known fact that a clear majority of the victims will never report their assault for one reason or another. Researchers have been interested in the best way to support this population usingShow MoreRelatedModel Description and Application Outline Draft Essay941 Words à |à 4 PagesU05a1 Model Description and Application Outline Draft Provide a brief overview of the history of the selected model and its founders, and discuss the essential ideas of the approach. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Imperialism Essay Paper Example For Students
Imperialism Essay Paper ImperialismThroughout time more powerful countries have extended their influence over weaker countries and then colonized those countries to expand their own power. Imperialism causes the stronger countries to grow and become nations or even empires. There are many examples throughout European history of nations enveloping weaker countries and increasing their own wealth and power to form strong nation-states and even empires. Through imperialism one culture is invading another culture and most of the time the European colonialists are not thinking about the effects this invasion might have on the natives of that land. Problems caused by imperialism have prevailed to this day. Imperialism caused a breakdown of the previous cultures and lifestyles that the natives had followed. The European imperialism caused many of the now prevalent ethnic rivalries that can be found in northern India, parts of Asia, and parts of Africa. Africa and much of the developing world have been struggling f or nearly half a century to come to terms with grinding ethnic and tribal rivalries that remain, in a way, one of the most enduring legacies of their colonial past. In many cases of European imperialism, the European colonialists would pick a favored minority in one of their colonies to govern their colony locally and with this priority came assurance of the best jobs and favored treatment. This caused a sort of rivalry between that minority and the majority of natives who were not given this priority. Resentment towards these favored minorities grows and after the country achieves independence the popular resentment can turn to violence. An example of this is the Sikhs in India. The Sikhs created the powerful state of Punjab in 1800, which became a threat to British-controlled India and after two years of war Britain annexed the Punjab in 1849. The Sikhs were loyal to the British. In return for that loyalty, during the Sepoy Mutiny the British gave them preferential land grants. Th roughout British rule, the Sikhs gained wealth and a great reputation as soldiers and policemen. After independence, they lost all of their special privileges and found their state divided between India and Pakistan. This followed with a bitter war against the Muslims in 1965, which forced the Sikhs to migrate from their homeland of Punjab to India. This followed a year of extreme agitation between the Muslims and the Sikhs that led Indian government to create Punjab as a single Punjabi-speaking state in 1966. It remains to this day the home of most of Indias 16 million Sikhs. Another example can be seen the Tutsi race. The Tutsi were used to locally rule their lands of Rwanda and Burundi. Throughout their native lands they were assured the best jobs and favored treatment, which included education. After Rwanda gained independence, a majority rule emerged and the Tutsi lost their power. Uprising and revolts among the majority (the Hutu) usually singled out the Tutsi for revenge. Wit h this came a huge massacre of the Tutsi. The Tutsi are even now having to flee from their homeland of Rwanda because of the anger and uprising directed toward them. In South Africa, the first Europeans to colonize were the Boers, which means farmer in Afrikaans. They were Dutch speaking livestock farmers who came over with the Dutch East India Company in 1652. From the Boers emerged the Afrikaners who also included political and religious refugees from Western Europe. British Imperial rule was established over Afrikaners and Africans alike by the beginning of the twentieth century. Then, through compromise, the Boer and Briton together gained independence from imperial rule and control of a new nation-state, the Union of South Africa, in 1910. From 1910 until 1948, there was a division of power between white political parties aligned essentially with the British and Afrikaner cultural traditions. The Afrikaner-dominated National Party won the 1948 election and immediately began to implement the policy known as apartheid. Through this policy, all of the population groups in South Africa classified by the government as non-European would now be governed separately and subordinated at every level to white South Africans. The vast majority of Africans were restricted to rural reservations that were called homelands. As repression accelerated, petition filled protest gave way to unarmed resistance and then to armed resistance. One of the primary dissident groups was the African National Congress, the oldest surviving African political organization in sub-Saharan Africa. The goal of the African National Congress was to establish a nonracial alliance to end apartheid and create a nonracial democracy. Over the next fifty years, the African National Congress and other organizations would fight for this cause, until the early 1990s when Nelson Mandela was released form prison to lead the multi-party negotiations. These negotiations were what finally brought an end to a partheid in South Africa. During the Imperialism of South Africa the Europeans brought the British and the Boers. The difference between South Africa and other imperialized countries is that after South Africa gained independence the Europeans didnt leave because they did not see themselves as Europeans. The Boers and British in South Africa saw themselves as South Africans and that caused much of the conflict. The whites in South Africa were a frightened minority that feared the black majority. This fear caused much of the turmoil and repression, which tore apart South Africa. The British became active in Malaysia in the eighteenth century. They sought after trade and wanted to check the French power in the Indian Ocean. Over the years and through different deals made with the Dutch East India Company, Singapore, Pinang, and Malacca (which collectively became the Straits Settlements of 1826) were administered to Britain. In the 1850s, tin mining expanded in the Malaya Peninsula and Malaya rulers the immigrant Chinese that the English employed became involved in territorial disputes. Fearful that disputes would disrupt trade, Britain took control of Malaya Peninsula and Peninsula states. By using diplomacy and taking advantage of dynastic quarrels, Great Britain persuaded the rulers to accept British advisors to help dictate policies. Between 1941 and 1942, after World War Two, ethnic rivalries complicated the movement for independence that emerged after the war. Great Britain had encouraged Chinese and Indian immigration to supply the labor needed for the tin, rubber, and other industries. During the 1940s, the population was fifty percent Malay, thirty-seven percent Chinese, and twelve percent Indian. A deep division separated these groups coinciding with substantial religious and linguistic differences. These huge differences caused fears for the Malays that the immigrants would acquire powers in the new government. Another event, which caused agitation and turmoil with in Malaysia, was an ongoing Communist rebellion led by the Malayan Emergency since 1948. These rebels were poor ethnic Chinese who opposed British rule. They continued to fight for Communist rule even after 1957, when the Federation of Malaya became independent. The conflict finally subsided in 1960 after 11,000 people died, but the Communists did not formally agree to lay down arms until 1989. Since independence, ethnic disputes have dominated Malaysian politics. In the 1960s, disputes centered on the preeminence of Malays in politics and the supremacy of Chinese and Indians in economic positions. Ethnicity still dominated the political scene, and two major opposition parties opposed the National Front: the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party and the Democratic Action Party. In Malaysia, the English brought in the Chinese and Indians to work at their industrial plants. This addition of another race caused the racial turmoil and division that can even be seen today. After encour aging the immigration of foreigners, Britain took advantage of quarrels and turmoil that was caused to take over Malaysia. These actions caused problems for that country and many deaths to be lost through the breakdown of their earlier way of life. They were forced to deal with a new culture that caused suspicions and this in turn took away from some of their own cultures and morals. .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .postImageUrl , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:hover , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:visited , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:active { border:0!important; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:active , .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721 .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e50d2bf1495136d8005d5c89fc67721:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay There are many other examples of imperialism and the effects that it has on the subordinate countries. In many of the situations, over the course of the twentieth century, changes have been made after independence that have caused a change for the better in the post-colonial countries. After years of revolts and turmoil in countries such as South Africa and India, they are finally beginning to modernize and reach the levels of their old imperial nations. European imperialism caused a stalemate in many of the different countrys developments, through their proceedings such as divide and conquer. Those countries will still advance to the level of nation-state and higher, because along with the exploitation of their culture and people, the Europeans also brought the means to advance to an industrial society. With those abilities they can still flourish in the future. European History Essays
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